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AGE OF TRUTH TV has met up with Danish politicians, political analysts and truth researchers and members of the general public gathered in the grand park, Fælledparken, in Copenhagen, Denmark on Workers Day, May 1, 2014, to ask them about their thoughts on the Bilderberg Group meeting taking place in Copenhagen at the end of May 2014.

The Bilderberg Group has existed since 1954 and every year since the group has met up in secrecy without the population of the world knowing about it. No media reports and no public transparency. So what is the Bilderberg Group and does it really have the great significance that some people think it has?

It is the elite meeting. Politicians, media moguls, businessmen, royalty, movers and shakers, celebrities from different countries. Every year about 120 to 130 people are selected to attend the meeting. People currently in power positions, who is taking part of this secret think tank.

Some people claim it´s just a private meeting where ideas and thoughts are being discussed, but nothing is decided. Others claim that the attendees are conspiring about what policies and laws will be put in action and imposed on the population in different countries after the meeting.

Age Of Truth TV reporter Jeppe Severin has spoken to people and politicians about what they think is going on at the Bilderberg meetings and what significance it has that the meeting will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen Denmark from the 29th of May to the 1st of June 2014.

During her May 1st speech in Fælledparken, Denmark, Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt (a Bilderberg Group attendee) was being met by protestesters who held a whisteling demonstration (“whitleblowing” reference).

AOT TV: We apologize for some shaky images in the video

Presented by AOT TV´s reporter Jeppe Severin and Lucas Alexander.

© AGE OF TRUTH TV – 2014

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