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JUDY SATORI ~ “E.T. Messages, Energy Awakening, Love vs. Fear & Chemical Marriage”

JUDY SATORI ~ "E.T. Messages, Energy Awakening, Love vs. Fear & Chemical Marriage" [Age Of Truth TV]

A new interview with JUDY SATORI on Age Of Truth TV, interviewed by AOT TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander, about what is going on in the world currently in regards to the world crisis and messages from Extra-Terrestrial beings, Chemical Marriage, Love vs. Fear state, Soul-Sprit Ascension, DNA Activation, Avatars, Ancient History, Lemuria, Atlantis, Energy Awakening, The New World Order and much more….

A remarkable, fascinating and unusual lady who has become an inspiration to many people around the world. JUDY SATORI – the New Zealand born author, lecturer, inspirational teacher, speaker, energy- healer, wayshower and E.T. (Extra-Terrestrial and Interdimensional) channeller and activator of Human DNA potential. Speaking multi-galactic languages, transmitting energy words of sound and light that activate previously dormant human DNA potential. A much-loved personality in the field of spiritual self-evolvement and esoteric and other-worldly knowledge about our universal connections to other star systems and so-called star beings in the galaxy, and what she calls “beyond the beyond”.

This AGE OF TRUTH TV production features Judy Satori in an in-depth hard-talk conversation with AOT TV presenter and interviewer, Lucas Alexander, filmed at the AOT TV studios in Copenhagen, Denmark and via ZOOM to Auckland, New Zealand.

JUDY SATORI is an alien-language channeller of beings from the star-constellations Lyra, Sirius, Arcturus, Pleiades and others and has a long history of decoding messages about our known universe and what lies way beyond the common understanding of life as soul and energy-beings.

Judy Satori´s message to the world is clear. It is of compassion, life, light and love and getting human beings to understand and unfold their true potential. However, in this interview she is also asked hard questions about other-worldly sinister forces, possibly part of controlling planet Earth, and our governments through the political and financial system.

……all this and much much more as Judy Satori takes you on a extraordinary journey into the unknown, questioned in a dynamic interview/conversation with Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander.


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