CHARLOTTE RYØ ~ “NWO Election Illusion, TTIP & Mass Media Mind Control”
New World Order Election Illusion & the negative aspects of TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) & Mass Media Mind Control! How is the mainstream press influencing the opinions and choices of the people during election time and in general. What do we really know, and how connected is the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda to all aspects of our daily life and in politics?
Truth Speaker & Organiser Charlotte Ryø & Politician Niels E. Bjerrum.
On May 1st 2015 – AGE OF TRUTH TV reporter Lucas Alexander, spoke to CHARLOTTE RYØ from the Danish information organisation MAY-DAY, a powerful alternative media platform, who focuses on human rights, civil rights, health, life-quality and greater awareness. MAY-DAY is also organising some very successful events, such Alternative Cancer Treatment, The Dangers and Health Effects of 5G and much more.
The dynamic Charlotte Ryø is a MAY-DAY event organiser, spokesperson and human rights activist.
In this video we also meet Danish Politician, Niels E. Bjerrum from the Social-Democratic Party in Denmark. Lucas Alexander is asking him about his opinion on the media´s indoctrination and influence on the population during election time and about WHY the media does not report from the infamous BILDERBERG MEETING and about the New World Order agenda. It appears that the politician Mr. Bjerrum is unaware of the existence of the New World Order, which raises the question of how much information even regular politicians are being told and how much is going on behind closed doors.
Charlotte Ryø was in Fælledparken in Copenhagen, Denmark on International Workers Day 1 May 2015 to spread awareness of the dangers of allowing TTIP. The initiative calls on the European institutions and the EU member states to stop their negotiations with the United States on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and not to ratify the recently-concluded free trade agreement with Canada (CETA).
From Stop TTIP:
“The ECI, which ran for one year, grew into an over 500 strong network uniting NGOs, political parties, trade unions and initiative groups. Together they collected over 3.000.000 signatures and reached the ECI country quorum in 23 countries.
Reasons for opposition are manifold but on the whole citizens refuse to accept that rules with far-reaching consequences for more than 500 million citizens in Europe are made behind closed doors. They consider that TTIP and CETA primarily serve the interests of big corporations at the expense of consumer protection, social standards, environmental regulations and food safety. Many consider that the planned Investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) threatens democracy and the rule of law.
On 7th October 2015, representatives and activists of the stopTTIP ECI submitted the over 3.000.000 signatures to the European Commission. This marked the end the of the stop TTIP ECI. Citizens can still continue to sign via which now runs as a European Initiative.”
NB: AOT TV = We apologise for the sound distortion occurring during the interview.
Charlotte Ryø – MAY-DAY WEBSITE:
Filmed on 1 May 2015.
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