TIMOTHY GOOD ~ “Secrets of UFO Existence”
Lucas Alexander presents for “Age Of Truth*TV” – TIMOTHY GOOD ~ “Secrets of UFO Existence” an in-depth interview-documentary with British UFO researcher and author Timothy Good.
Timothy Good – UFO Authority
Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence – the most highly classified subject on Earth.
He became interested in the subject in 1955, when his passion for aviation and space led him to read a book by Major Donald Keyhoe describing UFO sightings by qualified observers such as military and civilian pilots. In 1961, after reading a book by Captain Edward Ruppelt, a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, he began to conduct his own research. Since then, he has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents.
Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies. In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the West to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. He is known to millions through his numerous television appearances and has co-produced several documentaries on the subject.
Timothy Good’s first book, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up (1987) became an instant bestseller, and is regarded widely as the definitive work on the subject, together with the fully revised and updated book replacing it, Beyond Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Security Threat (1996), which remained for five weeks on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret (1991) spent thirteen weeks on the same bestseller list. Alien Base: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrials (1998) went to No.4 on the Guardian bestseller list. His book, Unearthly Disclosure: Conflicting Interests in the Control of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (2000) was serialized in the Daily Mail. He has also edited a number of books on the subject, including the bestselling Alien Update (1993). Four of these books have a foreword by Admiral of the Fleet The Lord Hill-Norton, former Chief of the Defence Staff and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence (2006/2007) is now published in paperback in the U.K., U.S and Canada. Good’s latest work – EARTH: An Alien Enterprise — is due for publication by Pegasus Books (New York) in November 2013.
Born in London, Timothy Goods professional career began in 1963 with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. He played for fourteen years with the London Symphony Orchestra. He has played for Leonard Bernstein, Benjamin Britten, Igor Stravinsky and William Walton and for television dramas, commercials, feature films, and recordings with pop musicians such as Phil Collins, Depeche Mode, George Harrison, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart, and U2.
Age Of Truth Presents
Timothy Good
Presented by
Lucas Alexander
for Age Of Truth TV
Production Team
Lauge Felix Black
Mike Kirkeby Pedersen
Gry Schaub
Erik Hansen-Hansen
Lauge Felix Black
Post Production
Lucas Alexander
Lauge Felix Black
Music by: M:O:T:U (http://www.motuofficial.com)
Filmed on location at
Villa Wilder – Copenhagen – Denmark
November 2012
Special Thanks
Exopolitics Denmark
Frederik Uldall
Pia Knudsen
Robert Hastings
Joan Ørting
Ida Lilleås
Interviewer contact: (lucassios@yahoo.com)
© 2013 Age Of Truth*TV – All Rights Reserved
Other truth researchers include:
David Icke, Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen Kilde, Alex Jones – Infowars.com, Stewart Swerdlow, George Kavassilas, Andrew D. Basiago, Dr. Niels Harrit, Dr. Judy Wood, Arizona Wilder, Cathy O´Brien, Brice Taylor, Phil Schneider, Fritz Springmeier, Andrew Stec, Major Ed Dames, Alex Collier, Jordan Maxwell, Al Bielek, Foster Gamble, Charlotte Iserbyt, Christopher Hitchens, Cisco Wheeler, Michael Moore, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru, Dr. Bill Deagle, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Kevin Trudeau, Jesse Ventura, Art Bell, Coast 2 Coast Radio, George Noori, Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy, Jay Parker, Mark Dice, Leonard Coldwell, John Harris, Mark Passino, Bob Dean, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, John Rhodes, Stan Deyo, Ted Gunderson, Richard Hoagland, Svali, Walter Tribe, Preston Nicols, Carol Rutz.